
蔡徐坤新歌《Wait Wait Wait》首發 完整歌詞介紹

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蔡徐坤於日前釋出自己第五首原創歌曲 《Wait Wait Wait》,僅個人便包攬了這首歌的作詞、作曲、和聲編寫、和聲和製作人,展現從人氣偶像努力向全能音樂人轉變的誠意。他說等待是最長久的修行,想把這首歌送給所有曾經等待和正在等待的人。現在就和小編一起欣賞下這首誠意滿滿的歌曲吧!

蔡徐坤新歌《Wait Wait Wait》首發 完整歌詞介紹


Wait Wait Wait - 蔡徐坤






Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

This space, our place

This room is never gonna feel the same

Up late, Too late

To say I shoulda done it differently

I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days… I miss you next to me

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Two feet, One dance

Distance, The devil walked in between

Woke up, Broke down

Oh how'd you'd ever do that to me

蔡徐坤新歌《Wait Wait Wait》首發 完整歌詞介紹 第2張


I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days… I miss you next to me

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Love, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go

Love, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go

Is better than to let you go

Wait Wait Wait…

蔡徐坤新歌《Wait Wait Wait》首發 完整歌詞介紹 第3張



蔡徐坤(August),1998年8月2日出生於湖南省,中國內地男歌手、演員。2012年4月,蔡徐坤因參加綜藝節目《向上吧!少年》進入全國200強而進入娛樂圈 ;同年8月,參演個人首部偶像劇《童話二分之一》。2014年3月,參演個人首部電影《完美假妻168》。2015年7月,蔡徐坤參加真人秀節目《星動亞洲》進入全國前十五強。2016年10月,通過10人男子組合SWIN正式出道。2018年1月,參加愛奇藝打造的中國首檔偶像男團競演養成類真人秀《偶像練習生》,並於同年4月6日獲得最高票數,以NINE PERCENT九人男團C位作為隊長出道;同年8月,發行個人首張EP《1》 。

TAGS:徐坤 歌詞